Images By: Ivory Door Studio

Marriage teaches you a lot! I’ve learned so much about myself, and I’ve previously written about it in a blog titled Mirror Mirror On The Wall. Marriage also teaches you a lot about your partner. So, this Truth Tuesday I want to talk to yall about how I’ve watched Anthony grow our last year of marriage.

I’m not a parent, but I think being someone’s spouse is a close second to witnessing the raw growth of an individual. Our parents give us so much of them, starting first with our mothers carrying us. They love, nurture and help mold us into the people we become. When you get married, you have the responsibility to love, nurture and help mold your partner. For me, it’s been an absolute pleasure to witness Anthony’s glow up!!!


Since we got engaged Anthony has transitioned to two different positions, and with those transitions came monetary increases. But, if you know me *in my Shania Twain voice* that don’t impress me much. Yeah, who doesn’t want more money, because it allows us more access. But, watching Anthony over this past year has been inspiring, because I’ve had the privilege to witness his ongoing journey. Listen, that beard of his is SEXY AF, but nothing and I mean nothing compares to his ambition and drive.

Anthony has to be the most driven person I know. This is a bit ironic because a few years ago I had to have some tough conversations with him about not selling himself short and reaching his full potential. It’s like one day the light came on and there’s been no turning back. He’s an IT nerd, and has obtained more certifications than I can name. It’s an amazing thing to watch someone believe so much in themselves and their ability that they are always looking for ways to improve, learn and evolve.



What I’m most proud of is Anthony’s commitment to our marriage, mostly through his attention and genuine work towards bettering his communication. Listen, if you’re in any sort of relationship with me be prepared to communicate. I mean the type of communication where we work to find the root cause of things and not just treat the on the surface symptoms. Anthony has truly embraced this theory and has become an advocate of genuine meaningful communication. I laugh (if I’m not mad at the time) when he picks up the remote and puts the tv on pause and says, “hey, we really need to talk about this. We need to find out what’s really going on”. I think wow, that’s just sexy but then quickly think I’m mad, let me be mad right now lol.

Throughout the years, we will both continue to change and in turn our relationship with also go through changes. But, right now as HutchStew approaches turning two, I’m so appreciative that I get to witness Anthony’s journey. His nerdy IT texts inspire me (I’m an IT recruiter so I speak that language too) to chase my dreams as well.

So, for year two I’m thankful for Anthony’s

  1. Beard
  2. Ambition/Drive
  3. Commitment to marriage through genuine work on communication

Until next time loves…